This seems to boil down to whether someone will argue that artifqcts of past ages do not deserve and respect. I dont think it really our business because we are not the affected population.
Were one of my medieval ancestors from Ukraine or Poland to be disinterred qnd used for some"phrenology" study , the merits of which arent determined, nor critical, I think Id gripe about it.
The fact is that many of the Amerind tribes retain an animist spirituality and, after 3 centuries of over-patronizing relations with tribes, they are rediscovering their identities with passion and, were we to look at NAGPRA, there are sections which talk about the negotiation for anthropological data before reburial of the remains
Besides .. I think that the Kennewick man has been studied to death for any critical scientific data . I see that, due to the Owlsley study, wed gone back and made believe that phrenology ws still a valid technique rather than the pseudoscience it really is. It turned out that the tribes closest to the Kennewick skulls location WERE really interested in establishing via DNA that the skull was Native American.
The resultant 680 page report is probably available on some U library line and our friend can buy it as a Kindle download for 9 bucks.
I think what its covered is state of the art as of 2015, with some really tricky isotope dating techniques and populational Y chromosome haplogroup statistics.