farmerman wrote:So you concur with the content of his posts regarding evolution??.
I do not pay much attention to evolution arguments.
But if you do, and if you disagree with something he says, this disagreement could certainly be expressed politely I think.
farmerman wrote:So Why bother saving any "scientific samples for future study then? You and gunga already have all the answers you need.
Because I want to know what the scientists have to say about human origins.
farmerman wrote:You are kinda dancing on the railroad tracks.Gunga consistently denies any scientific value in doing radioisotope dating (Unless its C14 analyses of 65 million year old silica fossils--). HEs set himself up as having expertise in radioisotope dating. So in effect, he countenances the destruction of scientific inquiry out of pure unabashed ignorance. Perhaps hes a Lysenkoist.
I have no idea what a Lysenkoist is.
If you disagree with something he says, my recommendation is to quote whatever you object to, and then underneath politely explain why you think it is wrong.
farmerman wrote:I think youre just backing him because he thinks like you re: gun ownership, so you cut him slack on everything he says.
He is indeed one of the good guys.
But if I saw something I wanted to disagree with/expound on/whatever, I'd quote his words and then add my thoughts.
farmerman wrote:Not a very intelligent stance OYB.
I just prefer polite disagreement over brawling.