I was checking around for a view of the Callanish stones for Jpinmilwaukie and I found this interesting description of a coming Lunar Phenomena. Having enjoyed the spectacle of the last lunar eclipse (Go Red Sox), I thought I might enjoy seeing this.
-- 2006 on the Isle of Lewis --
Every 18 and a half years, a moonlit event culminates in the appearance of the "Earth Mother"
Sounds like an event, doesn't it? 'Course, you might make your plans to go and then the skies would be cloudy, but I might, I might just go there. An interesting goal, anyway, and I have always wanted to see Lewis.
I don't know the date and time but apparently...
Quote:Every 18 and a half years, a moonlit event culminates in the appearance of the "Earth Mother", a figure seemingly outlined in the shape of the hills south of Callanish. Local people call the image 'Sleeping Beauty' in English or 'Cailleach na Mointeach' in Gaelic - which translates as 'The Old Woman of the Moors'. After rising over the Earth Mother, the moon passes through the Callanish stones two to five hours later. As this happens, if a person stands on the hillock at the higher south end of the site, the moon is "reborn" with a person silhouetted within it.
I'd like to hear about anybody's visits to the Isle of Lewis, especially if they've seen the Callanish Stones.