Geligesti -Doug ?
It was worth the wait, I particularly liked the last stanza, reminds me of that saying " life is what happens while we're planning "
Not intending morbitity .......... death highlights life as life compliments death.
Just remember ................ no matter where you go ............. there you are ;o)
almost forgot
Hi, Ge,
Loved your poem. You gonna eat the rest of that honey bun?
"To a PC"
Click explosion of site
Tap black letters of light.
I think that I would ratha
have a smoke and then some java
Hey...that's the best that I can do before coffee!
Hey .... who do you hafta ....... know

............ to get aa cuppa beans around here?
Hey, Ge.
Craven is from Brazil and you know they have an awful lot of coffee in Brazil.
A politician's daughter was accused of drinkin' water,
And was fined a great big fifty dollar bill.
They got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil.
Hmmmmmmmm. How would that read in Portugese?
And good morning to you all, ge, letty, hiama. I have also been detained. Spending too much time on political threads and it is making me crazy. Time for a mental health retreat.
Ge, the tone of wistfulness, which lies on top of, between the lines of, and beneath so much of your prose, shone through as a beacon in that last one.
Don't have anything to contribute here this morning, just stopping by as I stopped getting email updates and have to reclick "watch this topic for replies".
Maybe a muse, or demon, will appear later.
Hey, sumac,
As Craven explained to me, often times updates are slow in coming because the site is formatted to keep your mailbox from becoming crammed with stuff.
Later, all.
"Gelisgesti" and "Letty" and friends,
Burn their candles at several ends,
No humour too lewd,
No joke is too crude,
When commenting on prosaic trends.
Uhoh, billet-doux from a Brit.
Pedestrian, too, I'll admit
Here's a Florida note
That's gets caught in my throat,
Spit it out; cough it up; or you'll croak.
up from my nap
whhhhhat is all this crap
bout englishmen
and barking frogs?
ahem...Enough frivolity:
We need some deep, dark, dank, serious verse....a sop for cerebus..
Must think...must think....
how bout short?
Shorter still through sea of glass,
Longer than our words can last.
Infinite today, the past.
(if you follow me)
Feet that tread on simple ways,
Find a way to count our days,
Searching for just whom to praise,
(if you follow me)
So now we vanish then appear
And softly lie through crystal tear
And cheat the ones we hold most dear.
(don't follow me)
have tears
Good morning,
Ge, I really liked your poem. Often the shortest sentiments say the most.
ge , I liked it too
Deep and dark you asked for deep and very dark you will get :-
They used to talk to me like that,
waiting like vertical coffins,
their black looks framing their bodies,
as maggots fed on their consciences,
brought rapidly to mind by the contrivance,
of suggestive religion,
these mothers of daughters and wives to men,
who daily toiled in god's earth for devil's wages,
and they looked at me like that.
I want to spit in their faces,
and say I am the wronged woman,
and twist their putrid intestines,
until their life-blood drains from them,
how dare they judge me who was their friend,
their lover, their intimate, I can taste the salty breath,
of them still, and they looked at me like that.
It is not they that go headlong into,
this deep dark pit that beckons now,
and so I leave them to their poison,
I turn my back on their rancour,
the stink of sulphur is about me,
my time is now and I am ready.
Whew! All of you are at the top of your game. But have we had enough of the demon brew yet? Can we return to the muse?
Images can be more powerful than words
But require a history, a connectivity, to work
The magic of the synapses in our brains
Be they individual or collective beings.
My image says it all, a porpoise leaping
Out of her environment into another
That is hers also, and yet, and yet
Something that is just beyond, a yearning.
In these awful times I try to keep an image
Clear and fresh before the frontal lobes:
Of a friend, and myself, last summer on the Outer Banks,
Diving into the front of a wave, and coming out cleansed
And renewed, on the other side.