There is no such thing
There is no such thing as Homo florensensis. The skeleton they found was a human that suffered from a disease called microcephaly. I think this sad episode is deeply insulting to disabled people. Imagine telling parents of a child suffering from microcephaly that if their child's remains were found by an anthropologist, they would think it was not human. That is cruel.
This is another one of these ridiculous cases where someone thinks they discover something, and they ignore the obvious most likely explanation, and instead jumps to the most outrageous explanation, which is then throughly disproven by more serious scientists. The original "discoverers" become so totally wedded to their initial claim, they can never admit they were wrong. They become mariginalized and then ignored by the scientific community. Meanwhile, the popular media goes hysterical over the ridiculous claim, and never mentions that it was disproven.
Other examples of this phenomena are the cold fusion fiasco, and that nonsense about that supposed life in the Martian meteorite. At least in those other two examples, they were not insulting disabled people by telling them that they don't count as human.
Jeffery Winkler
[email protected]
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