mac11 wrote:... How many people have to die before they make it illegal to talk on the phone and drive at the same time?
Using mobile phones whilst driving (without a "hands-free" set) was made an offence here last year - it now comes under the charge "Driving without due care & attention" and carries a (fairly) large fine and 3 points on your licence (12 pts = automatic ban). It is tricky to catch people though, unless police actually see someone and can get to them before they disappear into the traffic. I see several offenders daily, just walking through town to work.
And I have a half-decent phone, and chose "Ring-Ring", as no-one else uses it, and I can pick it out in a crowd!
mchol wrote:I personally wouldn't be able to talk and drive at the same time for I have no multi-tasking abilities and I would most definately be one to cause an accident. So I don't do it. It's just not worth it.
But as for *Blingtones... I don't get why you are so *annoyed* with it?? There's so much anti-rap here on A2K it's sickening and that's one thing I cringe at. I mean, we are all entitled to have our own music preferences, but to go out and openly bash one you may not enjoy yourself is in my opinion completely disrespectful and ignorant. Thank God I was raised to believe that just because you don't agree with something you can at least respect it. And that's what you all rap bashers don't have- respect. It's a form of music and sometimes a form of poetic expression that connects urban communities that never had music that defined them. So you don't like rap? Don't buy the CD's. Don't tune into rap stations. Stay away from B.E.T. and MTV. Don't buy tickets to the Dr. Dre concerts. It's just that simple. And I'll promise to never buy a Justin Timberlake CD, or go to a Britney Spears concert, or buy a Shania Twain poster, watch "The Osbournes," or display a Jessica Simpson bobble-head on the dashboard of my car. And if you ever bump into me while my "Southside" by Lloyd Banks ringtone is playing, just jam with me baby...
TUPAC LIVES ON!!!! R.I.P. Rapper, Rocker, Activist, Hero, Poet, LEGEND. Thank you for having the courage to say what we only thought in our heads.
Lucky for me that I couldn't give sh*t one what you think.
Heh, I like both Kicky and mchol. Carry on..
I admit to frowns re rap, for what I take as misogynistic views..
but I don't mind it being, and know it is about more than that.
Me, I am off exploring stuff I ignored in the beginning of my life. I used to despise opera. Have started to pay attention. Used to despise country, still do somewhat, pay attention now sometimes. Missed punk entirely. May buy the new Clash compilation thing, as, if not a fixer, an introduction.
Thing is, I stopped with pop music right around, no, not the bee gees, the eagles. I hated the eagles with every fiber of my being and I still do.
Okay, I admit, I am atavistic.
re cell phones, I always got a kick out of car horns doing songs... but that was when those fillips were few and far between. I don't want to hear multiple tootles from fat earrings as I walk through a public space.
Though I admit it could be interesting,
it is all sound invasion.
Sort of like the gdamn company that calls us every day to sell us Health (tweet) Services (twee).....
I detest people who talk on the phone while driving. There is no excuse for it.
I have a cell phone that I take out with me whenever I go out, but I have it mainly for an emergency or I break down. I live in the boonies, so breaking down in the middle of nowhere without a phone would be a problem. The only time I turn my phone on is if my mom and my son are not with me when I go out and I don;t even have the ringer on. When I get a call, I have my phone set to just vibrate.
I never go out to the movies, but it would really tick me off to hear someones phone ring in there as well.
Of course there is an excuse for it, at least with some urgent messages. But these need tempering, little is so urgent that it cannot take pulling over.
If I am on a sparely populated 65 mph highway and my cell phone rings, well, I am glad to answer it, and may call out again.
If I am on I - 5, which has a 70 mph for certain stretches, and many cars approach 90 between Bakersfield and Sacramento, and sometimes are closely lined up, I would pull off to phone. (I avoid I - 5, for personal reasons.)
If I am mid small town with multiple one way streets and lots of pedestrians, I would probably answer my cell phone - depending on circumstances, we don't have much traffic here - but not call out until I pull over.
Judgement, appropriate judgement, is called for.
Yeh, I use e in judgement, I get to, I've outlived my gradeschool teachers.
Actually, I kind of like some rap. But here's an example of why the idea of "blingtones" is so annoying to me.
Tonight I went out to see one of my all-time favorite singer/songwriters, and right in the beginning of one of her slow ballads, some a-hole's cellphone started ringing. Now, the regular ringtone was bad enough, but imagine if it was some idiotic rap song that came blasting out at this intimate moment. I would have gone through the f*cking roof.
It's like these cellphone campanies are sitting around thinking, "Hmmm, what can we come up with that's even more annoying to others? What new thing can we create to invade other's personal space?"
It sickens me.
what about ringtones with Nini Camps playing??????
Hey! Now there's an idea...