I'm thinking about rounding up a bunch of cats, skinning them, and making a nice fur coat.
msolga and Debra Law in unison
ebrown_p- Looking at it from hindsight, I would say that George W. Bush was a pretty decent president.
Noddy24- Give it up. You're screwed no matter what you do!
I would never place a five-digit number after my name. It just seems so cheap.
WDF? I've worked as a KP in the kitchens of 4 pubs, 3 restaurants and 2 hotels, and only came across 1 female chef. And the male chefs were generally some of the most heavy-drinking, sexist men I've met. Good blokes though. Anyway...
"I'd like to keep this thread 'on topic', if you don't mind. Your crazy pictures have no place here." - Gus
I've been on A2K for a very long time and I would never leave. Not for one minute!
Grand Duke
"Learn to sort out your own Spyware problems, you ignorant fool." - Don77, Timberlandko, Craven & Monger
It sure flustered me as well GD, although I have worked with many female chefs. You would be shocked how a sexist kitchen calms down in the presence of estrogen.
"I'm not really German, I just play one on TV" - Walter
Ha! You'll never catch me posting anything about Australia. I hate that place!
I say we round up every Mexican in this country and ship them back to where they belong!
Edgar Blythe
"Please provoke the bunny" - dlowan
The only good loris is a fast loris - Gus.
Why, yes, Gus, I would like to join you in the bathtub.
I'm sorry - you are correct. That was no brainfart, it was the gas of genius - Craven
I'm draining the swamp and drilling for oil - Gus
Mmmmmmmmmmmm - McDonalds - Cavfancier
Nader is a spoiler and those voting for him should be ashamed - Ebrown
Perhaps you just need to go easy on the guy for a while, he might still change; just see how things go, you can always still choose for yourself some later time - Noddy
You know, I'm mostly interested in getting some spare time, get into gardening, spirituality and all that; careers are overrated, anyway, and the urban life of evenings out is just too hectic for me - Gautam
I've decided to not quote any more opinion pieces from passionate conservatives anymore to argue my posts with; statistics and dry facts alone are what I'll use henceforth. After all, what do I know? - Foxfyre
"Who really cares about your problems, get out of my office, I'm on my lunch break" - dlowan
<I think the McDonald's comment was used earlier>
Well, you have obviously already looked up all the relevant websites, so no reason for me to post some links and tell you to study things first - Walter
Now this is a topic I just cannot see both sides of - if you don't believe as I do you must just be too dumb and ignorant - JamesMorrison
(where did he go, anyway? Miss him ...)
I have no opinion on that matter.