It's time for me to buy another Armani suit-Gus
I don't have a clue what a sheep's ass tastes like.
flys are so cute and adorable - kicky (from the guess whats on my bathroom floor thread)
I never want to be like David Lee Roth-BPBear
"How sweet of you to notice! Thank you." - CdK
"I am SOOOOOOOOO sweet"
i just can't get into this old music - edgar
you want fries with that - cav
Old Europe and its reality-based community have had their time - Dag (or Walter)
No, I'm not going to cosy up this latent conflict here - let's spell out all our disagreements and gripes exactly and fight it out right here, right now - no holds barred and no preliminary or follow-up niceties! - dlowan
"Art is just a load of old bollocks" - shepaints
"Cor... Look at the nice arse on her!" - Gautam
"I hate everyone. The world is a load of crap." - Col Man
my mind's somewhere else
so i immitate millie vanillie - djjd62
"I can't stand James Brown, nor do I wanna get up offa dat thang and be a sex machine" - Grand Duke
colorbook wrote:I'm getting back together with my ex-husband-Montana
If that's not the best one yet, it's damn close.
"I would never eat an animal" - gus
Oh wait, I just realized the pun value there. Carry on...
Cav -
"Original writing? Load of bollocks. Cooking? It's for girls. Star Trek? Load of bollocks. Canada? Load of bollocks. America? I'd love to emmigrate down there." - Cavfancier
edgarblythe- Early TV was the dumbest, boring stuff.
O'Bill- If you look at the big picture, socialism really has its advantages.
Sozobe-I can't wait until my daughter is married, and out of the house!
Craven- I'm sorry that I offended you. I really wasn't thinking.
Kickycan- I am really considering joining a monastery.
Gus- I have to get off now. Brooks Brothers is having a sale.
Lightwizard- Movies are for kids, and little old ladies who have nothing better to do with their time.
Grand Duke wrote:Cav -
"Original writing? Load of bollocks. Cooking? It's for girls. Star Trek? Load of bollocks. Canada? Load of bollocks. America? I'd love to emmigrate down there." - Cavfancier

Spot on mate. Strange but true diversion story: I lost the chance to give in-home cooking classes to a guy because a co-worker told him it was "gay". So life goes...