"Pornography degrades women, and so shouldn't be viewed"
- Child of the Light
small boobs do it for me-BPB
Women are people too - Child of the light
YES!! ( expression that Kickycan is least likely to hear)
I like to have a good cry every now and then.- Kicky
Sports are for those with out minds and IQ's-Child of the Light
I hate those frickin Pats and Sox - Slappy
Kicky and Child are so fun to insult, hey, Seed? Lol, coome help me destroy them.
No, I think i've had enough drinks already - Slappy
i dont wanna destroy them....
I loooooove my job!
of course you do, you just don't know it yet. Come on, it'll be so much fun and so easy, We can easily distract Child with a blow up doll
NO, i don't have anything against either of them, i just like destroying people
Timber: Wisconsin cows make good book ends.
im not big on destroying people actually...
how can you not be? YOu're christian for god sake? It was a christian who said " kill them all and let god decide"? We can even help god out , you know. The christian god doesn't terribly like porn junkies, you know. HAHAHAHAHAHA Justify your hat e, man , JUSTIFY IT!!!!!!!!!
as i christian i dont have hate... i have tolerance.
Then you are violating your history, man

That, and, I don't see how serial sexcapades with 75 yo men is christian, lol
eh i dont really know either... but back to the buisness at hand....
then, try to insult me> Go on, otherwise I'm going to have to create a crude joke about you being "in Wilson" and that wouldn't be pleasant for anybody concerned.