Kill them all and let God sort um out!- Joefromchicago
From now on, I'm just going to vote for whoever Montana tells me too.- McGentrix
Nuke them bastards or they'll never learn!- Dlowan

I was wondering if you caught that one.
Gustagivecreditwherecreditisdue, great idea for a thread!
willow_tl, will you please be a moderator?- Jespah
Iraq? Who cares about Iraq?- Ican
I'd give my left nut to become a citizen of the USA- Blatham
Me too!- Walter
Me three!- Mctag
Issues? Who gives a **** about issues? I'm just going to vote for the guy with the best hair.---Nimh
Au contraire, my esteemed friend, the proposition you elaborate on so foolhardily here can not reasonably be considered anything but the most contrived of fallacies. - Occom Bill
The stuff you just said is one of those fallacy things of some Latin name that I cant think of right now - Craven
JL, you are so much smarter than me I can only dream about thinking as you do. And everytime I have disagreed with you in the past I really was just wishing I could BE you, my sincere apologies for ever using profanity.
Frank A
I will never again, smoke a pipe, watch ducks, walk in the woods, watch an old flick, or write something humorous.
avatars are the downfall of every forum..Jp
As Plato said in his book....-Gus
Panzade: "I sing like Toby Kieth."
Bipolar Bear: "I wish Panzade would let me play penny whistle in his band."
but i dont want to cook... do we have anymore pizza hut coupions?- cav
EdgarBlythe- " It's true, i swear, the fortune teller told me"
Seed - " manage a trois aren't christian"
Yeah! let's briefly turn this forum into " tease the person above you" . YEah!
Not yet. I'm teasing colorbook just this minute.
Colorbook: Music is powerless to express.
Odd Socks wrote:EdgarBlythe- " It's true, i swear, the fortune teller told me"
Seed - " manage a trois aren't christian"
Yeah! let's briefly turn this forum into " tease the person above you" . YEah!
Manage? Menage? I'll get back to you when I learn to spell.
its ok od socks i didnt catch it