NH, Please show us where god has been successful except for the rare occasions like Mother Theresa? Gods and religions have been responsible for more death and mahem than their good works. History proves my point. c.i.
Since you've already told us, you're not "heartless", I have to conclude that God made you that way.
NH, What made me "this" way is the result of all my experience and observation. I don't give credit nor blame anybody else for how I turned out. It's must me. c.i.
Although all my siblings keep reminding me that god has blessed me. c.i.
Could this be God's will?
God works in strange ways.
Some things being said here!!!!
NewHaven, that's so, but I think it was WH who said that we on earth acknowledge God in heaven.
Husker, goodness, all that stuff has to be interpreted. God may have created man so God would have company but
must have found out real quick "man" wasn't ready. So, he gave us this planet, set it all up like a school, so we may grow up, work our way back to wherever this source, this "God" is. We can return to God, but not until we are the same as God, which is perfect.
Looks like we have a ton more of good works to do.
WilliamHenry, what is your opinion? Without the scripture?
c.i., I think people leave churches because they may have found their spiritual nature. Ordinary churches don't teach how to contact God, who is within us, our inner teacher. Just look what they did to Joan of Arc, many more like her.
Hey, how can God be a failure when he created us, then gave us free will? Do you know how really tough, how difficult it is, just for parents to let go their kids when they are, say, 13? Well, I mean in a certain way, those who have to ask how will never know.
c.i., we choose our own life to live here while we are in spirit. Some people are successful, some miss the mark entirely, gad, I mean ENTIRELY! They just make mistakes. But, reading history, goodness those people were horrible to each other from about WWII back.
I heard a lady on the radio today, in a discussion about crimes of passion, say that when she found her husband in bed with another lady she shoved him through a plate glass window. Have you ever been this angry, yet controlled yourself? Her husband lived and she laughs about it today but she was a hair away from life in prison.
I think Hitler was a psychological mess because his mother made fun of him, plus he had only one testicle. Other people live with much worse, why couldn't he? Oh, what a huge mistake that man made.
Why are some people able to choose the right, or better, way?
Tex, That will always remain a mystery. Two children from the same family can come out so different, it's almost impossible to know why. One can become a generous, kind, and sensitive person, while the other is stingy, a bully, and a bore. How can that be, coming from the same parents, environment, and schools? Also, how does that one kid from the wrong side of the track become the best scientist, doctor, or social worker, while the kid with all the advantages turn out to be a drain on our legal system? c.i.
One reason being that some kids are unwanted, after birth.
Not necessarily, au, some people become very controlling from being spoiled kids, too.
Guess we can only speak from our own life. My 2 brothers, my sister and myself had loving parents. Unfortunately, our mom died at age 36 from cancer and dad placed us in a children's home in Texas. Coming out of there I was just fascinated with life, waking up every day with a sense of adventure. That's still there, the love of people, life in general, nature too. But I had to overcome some real anger in about my 40's, I mean it just came up from somewhere inside there. But, that was the 70s and there was a ton of assistance from so many places. Self help was the thing. Remember re-creating yourself?
Some people just let all that sit and fester (we all have anger from our childlhood). It implodes within them and they take it out on others. I just will always remember that expression: Show them by your success.
Well, must go now. Sending out a resume for a writing job in our little town.
Yeah, God seeks us out, sometimes through other people.
Quote: Not necessarily, au, some people become very controlling from being spoiled kids, too
I cannot reconcile your response with what I wrote.
How did you make that little box?
New Haven wrote:au:
How did you make that little box?
Highlight, then hit the "Quote" button on the upper, right corner. c.i.
c.i is correct. However if you enter the response at the bottom of the page you must hit preview. That will put the response in the top post box and proceed from there.
why is the word "quote" now coming up?
Because you're quoting your own statement. c.i.
New Haven wrote:CI;
One reason being that some kids are unwanted, after birth.

Au, sorry, was referring to New Haven's post. Controlling people are hell to be around. They suck up a person's strength and use it as their own. But, maybe controlling people weren't wanted, after birth.