i'm very worried we're corrupting that good christian boy (Seed). Perhaps we should tone it down.
Let me change my guess, Odd Socks.
I'm gonna stick with the old Chinese man part, and the part about you liking the color red, but also I believe you are tripping on some really powerful LSD.
Can I have some?
Kicky, I'm still getting used to being 75 and male. THEN I'll start working on the chinese.
need not worry about me....
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Let me change my guess, Odd Socks.
I'm gonna stick with the old Chinese man part, and the part about you liking the color red, but also I believe you are tripping on some really powerful LSD.
Can I have some?
You mean your supply is out? Nobody would have guessed.
I am going to bed right NOW.
Seed is actually a 49-year-old professional bowler. Ask him about the time he bowled 17 strikes in a row!
I was journeying through North Carolina one time and met Seed at a roadside melon stand.
He was a very polite young man. I purchased several melons, we exchanged pleasantries, and then he waved as I drove away.
Quote:You mean your supply is out? Nobody would have guessed.
An old Chinese man who likes the color red, takes LSD, and is very astute.
Tell us, Seed, Puh-leeeeeze. Then I'll tell you about the naked sleepovers that I had when I was the chinese chef at the local brothel. What fun!
I'm gonna go join littlek. Hope she doesn't fall asleep before I get there.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I was journeying through North Carolina one time and met Seed at a roadside melon stand.
He was a very polite young man. I purchased several melons, we exchanged pleasantries, and then he waved as I drove away.
i remember that day... you told me you were my father... took my watermelons and didnt wave back... i cried heavy tears that night, but then a smile came upon my face for i had seen my father...
I served them their pet cat and nobody knew. They all had second servings.
Seed once picked the seven-ten split after drinking enough beer to kill a bear. I saw it, man, I was there!!!
the day i rolled 17 strikes in a row was a day like no other. i remember it vividly... i rolled 17 strikes.... yep told ya i remembered it...
What language are you people speaking? Stoned American ?
seed wrote:i remember that day... you told me you were my father... took my watermelons and didnt wave back... i cried heavy tears that night, but then a smile came upon my face for i had seen my father...
And then the sun broke through. And do you recall those bluebirds singing in the nearby cherry tree? It was magic, that moment.