Si, that's right as to what I meant to say. Whether I said it or not is unclear until an italian speaker passes by.
paulaj wrote:kickycan wrote:paulaj wrote:Oooooh Kicky
Sara facile tutto vedrai.
I have no idea what that means. Is that something real?
It means-Everything will be easy you'll see.
How sure are you that that's right? Not that I'm doubting you, I just want to know how much trust I should put in your italian.
I'm trying to get the italian speaker to stop by, but she's a little (a lot) busy.
I'm getting my info from the translation that came with a music cd, good enough?
Want some more, or is it to much trouble to look up? I'll give the translation along with it, it's romantic.
Kiss me my love.........Dame un beso amor.
Jealousy does not spare.....Los celos no perdonan
"Sara facile tutto vedrai" should be "sara' tutto facile vedrai"
But, she says it means what Paula said it means.
I breathe in the silence = Respiro il silenzio
Of your thoughts = Dei tuoi pensieri
Some day you will be = Un giorno sarai
All that you hope for = Tutto quello che speri
omigawd, what the hell kind of music do you listen to? Heehee.
Hmmm, Zucchero? (yes)
Paolo Conti (I have it but don't listen to it)
and an old friend from ital class, not that he was in class, but the teacher showed us his lyrics, and I've since found him interesting, Lucio Dalla..
paulaj wrote:It has become obvious to me that you folks need a tutorial with your "Nows".
Here is one of my favorites.........................*now*.......................Did you see that? It's a simple now, it's a concise now, it's a 'meat and potatos' now. You can use it anywhere, anytime, I would also like to say it's a structured now, as far as "nows" go.
Here is another one, it is a bit demonstrative but it has 'staying power' so it shouldn't be used unless you truly mean it and need to drive a point home, watch closely,...................................NOW!..................................Can you see the urgency, can you feel the excitement, me too.
I'm going to leave you with one more, this is my all time favorite, I get excited just thinking about it, everytime I use it people come out of the WOODWORK! A word of caution, this shouldn't be used by the light hearted, it takes years to develop and if you try this at home make sure there is someone there for support, I wouldn't want to see anyone get hurt, here goes................................... ~now~ .................................................If that isn't the epitome of resplendence then I don't know what is. Note how it leans so effortlessly yet elegantly to the right, as if it didn't have a care in the world.
Why all the importance of NOW? well I'll tell you..................................
because it's.................... "NOW or NEVER"
I am rather thankful that the PM's don't work as I don't have hours to spend un-jamming my in-box from the barrage of questions that must be deluging each and everyone of you.
Yours truly
what does "now" mean? Is it something like " the last week"
Odd socks
People here were posting the word "now" in different way's, so I thought I would be very silly and write a paragraph on the different way's to use the word 'now'.
There is no hidden meaning, I was just goofing around.
I'm laughing at the crazy ways of the "What are you doing right now?" thread, right NOW. It's like a little hangout on A2K, isn't it? And all you have to do to get the next party started is ask the question "What are you doing right now?"
Hear we are, speaking la lingua d'amore...ho i miei bisogni, Voi avete i vostri bisogni...
Parlare italiano e' una seduzione sofisticato, no?
Speaking Italian is a sophisticated seduction, no?
Is that right?
littlek wrote:omigawd, what the hell kind of music do you listen to? Heehee.
Many kinds, diversity is good.
kicky - you're making me jealous with your italian lessons. I need to learn so I can go back to visit without my over bearing sister.
Paula - diversity is good!
paulaj wrote:littlek wrote:omigawd, what the hell kind of music do you listen to? Heehee.
Many kinds, diversity is good.
Adesso la festa promises to become molto interessante.
No I am not married. If I were, I would have had my roll in the hay and be sleeping
blissfully by now. Oh well :wink:
I once worked with a med resident, who was annoying and brilliant, but it was hard to listen to him all day. With no verbal monitor, he had a complete motor mouth, but virtually everything out of his mouth was smart. That was about the time I left that lab. Weary of saying um, hmmm, and not getting to think any of my own thoughts, of whatever worth. Sort of like dripping water torture.
Still, very smart. And one of his riffs was about the word now. As being an impossible word as since by the time you said it now was over, whatever fraction of a second it took.
This was very serious to him and of zero import to me, but then he was the real scientist.