Sun 15 Jan, 2017 10:04 pm
I was confused, but it may or may not have been from australia: scary **** about people I like, lot of info.
I only looked at it for a few seconds.
When you say "post", do you mean a post on a message board, or on this message board, or some kind of letter or Email?
I have reported this to the mods. No, I'm not halucinating and I'm not drunk. I read fast the list and a lot of us were on it. I quick looked and it seemed to be from australia, but who knows. It didn't dawn on me to somehow save, as it was very fastl
It was a post on a2k. I gather it was ephemeral.. some how.
Aside from many members' screen names, was there anything else on the list? Like real names, addresses, employers, or such?
Yes, maybe, but this was in seconds, I just remember serious data, not exact data, I was looking fast; oddly I remember cowdoc on the list but that was in milliseconds.
There were many of us more.
I know this sounds wild, it was wild, but in part I was worried if I was losing my connection to the internet at the same time.
Remember this was a matter of a couple of minutes if that - I didn't grasp there were addresses, etc. but there were details I didn't look at. I was busy noting there were a lot of people I know on the list.
The next person gets to do that.
Well, that
is wild. One thing I might guess at is maybe it's a list for some kind of A2K meetup that happened years ago and somebody had it on their hard drive and acidentally posted it instead of what the person wanted to post. Then they discovered what happened and edited it out.
This was more than that, I'd guess 6o or seventy names with details, no time to count, and may have been more.
Uh, I'm not a usual person to freak.
You can listen to me or not.
I'm listening to you, and I'm believing you. But from the information you gave me, I was trying to find a normal, non-sinister reason someone would have personal info on A2K members. I know there have been meetups in the past, and that struck me that might be one reason personal info of members can end up on someone's list-if that person had organized a meetup in the past.
Possible, especially as it sounds as the post was almost immediately deleted. That's at least an indication that it was posted by accident.
Edward Snowden's decision to bug out, and expose the plot, was because of a similar epiphany.
Literally everybody who is in any way connected to the grid, or the web, or a cell-phone, has a file, and every single keystroke, every conversation, and every contact they have, is on their file.
It's automated. We all have a dozen or more bots assigned to us, as soon as we "enlist" online. Knowing this totally freaked Snowden out.
Builder wrote:
Edward Snowden's decision to bug out, and expose the plot, was because of a similar epiphany.
Literally everybody who is in any way connected to the grid, or the web, or a cell-phone, has a file, and every single keystroke, every conversation, and every contact they have, is on their file.
It's automated. We all have a dozen or more bots assigned to us, as soon as we "enlist" online. Knowing this totally freaked Snowden out.
Silly. There is no way they are collecting all that information, especially when 95% of it is stupid meaningless data.
What discussion topic were you on when it happened osso?
Quote:There is no way they are collecting all that information, especially when 95% of it is stupid meaningless data.
It's automated. The Snowden movie is out soon. Take a peek. Everything is collected. It's not viewed by anyone, unless your file is downloaded and viewed. Simply data on file.
You've heard of Echelon? It was the Cold War data collection system. Australia's two US data recording bases were part of that. Pine Gap and Exmouth.
The new system is, of course digital, and satellite-based, in the main.
I suspect it was posted and deleted by the op so fast it didn't have time to register. I scanned for it at the time of her post and didn't find it. I might have missed it, though.
Builder wrote:
Quote:There is no way they are collecting all that information, especially when 95% of it is stupid meaningless data.
It's automated. The Snowden movie is out soon. Take a peek. Everything is collected. It's not viewed by anyone, unless your file is downloaded and viewed. Simply data on file.
You've heard of Echelon? It was the Cold War data collection system. Australia's two US data recording bases were part of that. Pine Gap and Exmouth.
The new system is, of course digital, and satellite-based, in the main.
So what style of tinfoil hat do you wear?