Sun 15 Jan, 2017 09:50 am
I have searched everywhere for the answer and I get a lot of bs and over educated answers. Just the basics please.
I was told when I bought my house My municipal has hard water and followed the advice of neighbors after a year. I showered and had felt fine like normal from other towns. So I added a whirlpool water softner Model Number WHES33LE33
Serial # SE-WHES332-15286-3047.
I started at the recommended setting of 75 and after a couple days I started feeling like my skin wasn't getting off all the soap so I started lowering the setting down first a big jump down to 50 then 30 and a few days in between felt like all the water has gotten off. then it came back. I have since started lowering 2 numbers every couple days and now I am at 2 and still no change. My softner recharges everyday at a certain time. I am ready to throw the unit out the door very frustrated and I can't get any real answers. Just chemical chart talks honestly I don't give a damn about the chemical talk it doesn't mean anything to me and just makes me more confused and frustrated.
PLEASE any actual advice or answers would be greatly appreciated
What "setting" are you fiddling with?