Sat 16 Oct, 2004 04:20 pm
I have a question for those who've read a lot about--and are at least open to the possibility of--reincarnation:
Based on all you've learned over the years, are human spirits ever forced reincarnate against their will, or are they always free to decide for themselves whether or not to reincarnate?
I've read conflicting views on this matter from various sources, so I'm not sure what to think at this point.
Welcome to the A2K.
If I'm not even aware in the change over state to a new body--it wont be any will coming from me to be against it or to be for it to begin with.
The cosmos is harmounious (which is obvious). If it's a cosmic order for the soul to reincarnate than to oppose reincarnation would only lead to chaos. If the soul goes into chaos it would be a true state of hell for that soul (assuming that that perticular soul was aware with a will to go against the cosmic order). Anyway, I dont think the cosmos would allow chaos of the soul.
The universe is so intelligent it knows what's best for the soul upon physical death.
I dont believe I'll be reincarnated back to some new body in this section of the cosmos if I'm reincarnated. I think it's a paradise elsewhere next after this here life time for me is over with.
Interesting question you pose. There are about as many, many opinions about reincarnation as there are people in this world. It appears that you might believe that reincarnation could exist and that you are definitely open to others opinions. I can only share with you what I think is possible.....
First, a human spirit is only human while it resides on this earthly plane.
Spirits, or souls can be viewed as spiritual energy on a quest to eventually live alongside their creator...however you choose to define him or her... Human death is only a transmutation of what is eternal and unchanging. and that is our spirit or soul. We can live many karmic lifetimes or few karmic lifetimes on this earthly plane depending on how well we learn the karmic lessons necessarily inherent to advancing to a next higher level of being. Is that heaven? Maybe.....
Our souls know their pasts and our souls know their futures and everything that will come between. Some souls struggle in their karmic lessons here on earth, because as a spirit takes on human form, even though it knows the path to a higher plane, it allows the human form to live that life on their own. Not that souls are just tossed out there floundering in human form...we are given mentors and guides and angels among us so to speak to help us on our journey. If we, in human form, fail the lessons we were sent to learn we will return again and again and again to repeat those lessons until we do get them right. Very much the ultimate university of the universe.....
As Sign Related states, there is no chaos in the cosmos. There is only chaos here on earth. Maybe earth is really the fires of hell that each soul must pass through to earn their way to a higher plane. While it is nice to see that Sign Related is confident that her lessons here are finished, I have never been one to count my chickens before they are hatched. The karmic tests are tough and I'll never know if I aced mine until the final grades are posted....
Quote:are human spirits ever forced reincarnate against their will, or are they always free to decide for themselves whether or not to reincarnate?
In hindu mythology, there is a character called ChitraGupta who evaluates your records and decide the next state for you after the death.
But if you get into Sanskrit of this character, [Chitra - Image + gupta - hidden], ChitraGupta is a metaphor for our hidden impressions. It is these impressions that decide. So perhaps it is really up to individual and that is why all spiritual practices (of all religions) essentially are aimed at cleansing deeper impressions.