Terrific post, not to flatter you but just because it is so interesting. Nods for Uncle Stosh.
My uncle that I wish I had really known, was not a professional in all this rock stuff but was involved. I still have his tool chest (he was head of tool and dye at Douglas, all of Douglas) for years, died just after whatever plane it was was finished, maybe a day after. I'm remembering '44 or '45. The head of Douglas came to my aunt's house for a condolence visit. It was a heart attack; he'd had some trials in life, being gassed in ww1. My aunt talked about that visit for years and years later.
Charlie Wilson is the one who I have mentioned teaching me to make ice cream (I think peach) with some kind of cranking apparatus on their back steps when they were staying in, I am thinking, Wichita, not sure. I was about 4, but I heard about it later. I visually remember him and the back steps, I was to his left.
He did go exploring a lot, and I don't know details. I have at least some of his rock collection, I am guessing in the ordinary realm but I still treasure them. What is a sure treasure is his personal tool chest, which he may or may not have built sans plans from other sources.. It is still here with the tools, in their places.
Hey, if it is ever missing from my garage, I can guess perpetrators.