Re: Spirits,Ghost or Demons???????????
KDC wrote:I have always had odd thngs happen to me and have been able to know when someone close to me passes on since I was 6 or 7 years of age. I grew up in a very strict Southern Baptist home. I do not dabble in the darker side becuase the Bible says not to and I am scared to death anyway. I did join a Ghost Hunting group to try to get some answers as to some pretty odd unexplainable things. Most of it was the thrill of exploration, meeting people,being silly and getting scared and then laughing. I have got some pictures back that had so called ghosts on them..I mena you can see three men that wer enot in the picture before and i had the film analized....took the film to three places to see if it was developed and ther eis no answer. My question is am I wrong for trying to figure out this stuff and trying to find a logical explanation or is everything I have caught on film demons. That is the answer I get from my Baptist family. I must be doing something to bring it on...or every soul goes to heaven..then what the heck is all this evidence I have from? The Church makes me feel cursed and that I am evil,wordly and I brought this on myslef which I have been scared of everything until I started to reasearch it and say the heck with it. Any opinions or advise?
what are the baptists beliefs regarding death?for me gordon smith can prove there is indeed an after life.skeptics have gone to see his shows and have left converted...i have had many paranormal too, right from the age of six where i saw a woman sitting on my brothers bed she was lit up and looked solid.the most
recent experience was earlier this year, i saw a shadow in my bedroom of a head and neck on the bedroom wall
then it faded slowly. it was like something out of a movie it scared the life out of me. i cannot explain it, im now scared of the dark....