Is there a reason that geese aren't kept as family pets more often? I am curious about this and it has been a thought I've spent many a minute pondering. Anyone else do the same or am I an oddity?
care to expand on that for me?
Perhaps I shall have to get out my anvil...
Chipmunks would be neat pets.
I think they would make me go nuts...besides unlike geese they cannot be used to generate breakfast food.
Mm... A coffee plant as a pet.... Mmmm..
Now that is known as using your bean(s)
I looooove jelly beans!! Anyone like Jelly Belly brand jelly beans, they have lots and lots of flavors. They're sooo tasty!
I like Jelly Roll Morton's music.
Who the heck is Jelly Roll Morton? and what kind of cruel mother names her son Jelly Roll?
I haven't read any posts past the first page
Ok now I read the previous page
I have ducks and they DO produce breakfast food
Hm. Looking back over the first few pages, I see that people used to write a lot here. Maybe I should try to get that started again...
Tell me about your favorite memory from elementary school. Or your least favorite. Or both.
I could just give you a rundown of my teachers for each grade but that might take a while.
I remember very little about those early days. Back then electricity was yet to be invented and we clung to the sides of cliffs as we edged our way to the one-cave school at the far end of the cliffside. Clearly I remember that day when the ice was formed early and my friend Qij slipped and fell perilously close to the jaws of a waiting brontosaurus. At the last moment he grabbed a hold of a vine and was rescued by a traveling group of Jurlwefwehfkwhus who happened to be on their way to the next mountain.
Qij was never seen again.
So anyway the first grade was nice.
Second grade strange, 4 schools 5 teachers.
Third grade, very odd.
Fourth Grade, I have forgotten.
Fifth Grade, 2 schools, 2 teachers.
Sixth grade, I had a crush on the teacher next door.
Seventh grade, I do not recall.
Eighth Grade, I had the top math grade of all eighth graders on the standardized test. There were about 400 students in the grade...New York City.
Grades nine through ten I have only scattered memories as I was in high school and drinking on the side.
More recollections later...
I believe this post FINALLY makes me an enthusiast!! but I should'nt get my hopes up, you know what happened last time...
YES!! ah, sweet satisfaction
And what happens after enthusiasm and sweet satisfaction? Is serenity just 'round the bend?
Just letting you guys know that I probably won't be around much for the next week or two. Or maybe I will be. We'll see how much control I have.