I love travel, period. Good, bad, ugly.
I loved going around the US with my parents in my childhood - that is part of my love of driving and trains and planes. Our lives way simplified later, but I remembered it all.
I have disabilities, which, when I learned about all that at age 48, explained a lot (why I tripped on tree stumps and much else), but didn't deter me. I had just not gotten that others saw differently than I did with their eyes.
Over the years, I traveled with some of my girlfriend group several times, and with a good boyfriend, and, in time, with my husband.
My last good trip was a split, as a friend of my husband and slightly of me wanted to come with me and that she begged and I said ok. What a mistake.
However, she only had a set time. The rest of the month trip was by myself alone and I had a wonderful trip.
I am night blind, also with bad peripheral vision - I had to deal with that re any preparation for where I went at what time, but I'm good at that now.
I have had great trips.