Happy birthpants to you
Happy birthpants to you
Happy birthpants, dear Spendius
Happy birthpants to you
Twenty pants today
Twenty pants today
I've got the key of the door
Never been twenty pants before.
Sometimes I feel like a motherless pants
On Ilkley Moor ba'at pants
On Ilkley Moor ba'at pants
Oon Iiilkleey Mooooor ba'aaaat paaaaants.
You can be in my dreams if I can be in your dreams-Bob Dylan said that.
You can be in my pants if I can be in your pants-I said that.
Spendi-, you're so pants!
Personally, I consider the 'old boy' to be a psychopants in pants.
What is going to be your dispants for Hallopants?
Mags please throw that daft avatar away, it scares me!
Does it wear pants?
My avapants is my reason for panting
Well there go's my reason for panting.
Panting is as Panting does
If it does you had better contact your local laundry service.They specialise in in those neurotics who are repressing realising that there's a time to drop the pants as well as there being a time to not do.
I think magsie's avvie is a work of art.
Sorry pantsers.
That was supposed to follow Mathos's pants full on the last sheet.He's a disgrace to the human race.
Mathos I meant.Not the innocent 1 year old having a stiffo.Minus pants I hope.Poetry in motion.
I really love my avapants. Thanks for sticking pants for me, Spendius.
Why do we always laugh when pants fall down accidentally?
It's like slipping on a banana pants
where the pants IS everyone!!???