How you know? They have pants over their heads
Do I pants him or do I pants him?[/color]
It's not fair.I get home from the pub and I can't think straight for mags's avviepants.Suppose that great kid was in an election in forty years for Top Pants and somebody dug that out of the archives.It would be gerrymandering.
Poor Spendi-, can't PANTS straight!
Well-late this afterpants I was giving a 9 month old little girl,not mine I should say,a share of my sweet melon starter and she suddenly did a magsie face.
I said to her Mum-"here,I think she needs a change of pants."
Aw, Spend- and a baby. Isn't that PANTS-ious!
Babies fill their diapants regularly, and they do make the avvapants face when they do
And pants should be changed more often.
Are you sopranpoants or contraltopants or basso profundo pants?
Altopants. I sang in the Pants all through school, then sang in the church Pants for years
Hymns or Gregorian pants?
Both. I sang at both High and Low Pants, when the Pants was in Latin. I played the Orgpants, too, sometimes
That's a plain as a pikespants from the avvpants.
I also participated in Pants contests, where I did dramatic pantings
Theres pants in that piece of Martian rock
One for the money, Two for the show, Three to get ready, and four to pants
I am getting ready to do a story pants for toddlers, as I do every Monday.