I'm laughing on the other side of mi pants now.
Laughing on the outside, Pants on the inside
Would you like me to pants you now sir?
("do"-it's a famous line from a long gone comedy series but I don't know which).
Shall I alert the Pants?
(John Gielgud)
It's one step for pants and a giant leap for Pantskind.
God said, Let there be Pants, and there were Pants
Hey mags-you should have seen the pants in the pub tonight.
I'm a pants design technician.My boss is an artist.
He's on cloud pants all day.I have to put his pants into practice.It's like architecture.We study trends in bottoms mainly.Did you know that if bottoms increase by one inch in diameter we have to get 3/4 of a million extra square yards of denim.We have to predict next year's average bottom size or the pants won't cover all the bottoms.And that will never do, as the archbishop panted.
I'm just sittin' on top of the Pants!
He drew his bank statement from the inside pocket of his stylishly cut blazer and showed it to her.She immediately began watering at the pants.
The Captain and the Check-out Girl by Barbara Cartland.
Captain Horatio Pantsblower
The Empress Messalinapants.
She made mi pants chatter.