I love it when these new cultivars show up in the market and som kind of "market mystique" grows up around them until they become more widely available.
The white berries are sold around here as "pineberries". Penn State brought in a bunch of plants from Belgium where , apparently, theyve married these things with their world famous chocolate. Penn State has managed to make em available to growers and the Amsih hve picked up on em(no need to ship em across the Pacific) What do they taste like? I have no idea except that they have a sign out on one farm that states they taste like "pineapple".
Ive never been swayed by marketing Bullshit so Ill have to wait a couple years more till Neufchatel chocolate starts screwing with em. (Neufchatel makes the best malty chocolate coatings for fruits)
Donut peaches-meh, kinda weird looking, nothing special on the taste unless picked at peak freshness
White peaches- kinda taste- insipid and just sweet. tried em, and really dont care for em.
Sorta like SNAKEHEAD FISH. (theres a link here so dont hang up).These imported invasive fishies have set up residence In Eastern Shore Streams.In these streams the snakehead has taken over and is a common denizen of the water that eats other game fish and, consequently grow rather quickly. The hell of it is that they are a firm fleshed, really tasty fish that serves up really well in an oriental"Crispy fish" dish or a taco. Well, , here they re, widely available, delicious and a neat sport fish. BUT Nobody'll eat the damn things so theyve taken over and created a myth that these fish are monsters that will attack kids in the water.
They are now trying to rename the snakehead to something friendlier, maybe they oughta choose "Pineberry Fish"