Wed 30 Nov, 2016 07:38 pm
There is a version of the song at last, years ago I had downloaded it when limewire was still a thing. It was a live version of a popular older artist singing it. You could hear the crowd cheering at times, I believe it was about 6 minutes long. For some reason I think that it said Aretha Franklin sang it, but if you know anything about lime wire, the titles were not always true. The most distinguishing characteristics of the song were heavy horn instrument accompanyiement, and the singer sang the beginning by holding the not long and emphasizing the "T" in At, and at the end she held the last note in "last" for at least a good 30 seconds, while the crowd started to clap and cheer. Can anyone please help me identify this song?
No, I believe it was at least 6 minutes long and I am almost completely sure it was not Etta, it was a cover from another famous black artist of that time though. It may have been Aretha franklin, or Irma Thomas but I'm not sure
Hasta be. Good work, Jessie. Good ole Etta James.
Well, I guess I spoke too soon there. Still good work, though.
I just had a eureka moment. After literally weeks of trying to remember anything about the song or the artist, her name just popped into my head. It was phoebe snow, and I found the exact version I've been looking for! In my opinion the best ever recorded.