My Kinky Babycakes,
kickycan wrote:
For 5 days each year, I will allow you to make love to whomever you please, as long as you make videotapes of all of it, for me to enjoy when I am without you. To tell the truth, I think I could learn some moves from those guys, especially Panzade.
Yes, sweetheart......I'm sure you COULD learn some moves from these guys. I've heard that Panzade likes whips and chains...and Occom Bill, well he's just like the energizer bunny
HOWEVER.....I will only allow the videotapes if they are for my private viewing ONLY! It frightens me to no end, how you might feel, watching these videos and finding out that neither Occom Bill or Panzade have anything less than John Holmes. I would not want to create a deep seated complex in you that would affect our sex life in any way.
kickycan wrote:Although I hate children, I will impregnate you with at least 8 of the filthy, wretched little beasts. I will do it for your love.
I must insist that you change your crude thoughts about children. I can't have you hating our babies. After all, I will do everything in my power to make sure that these 8 wretched lil beasts grow up to be just like their daddy.
kickycan wrote:
You naughty little girl. You might need a spanking from Schoolmaster Kinkycan
I am so glad you brought up spankings, darling. I happen to get very turned on by them. I hope you like receiving them as well.
I like my men very submissive, and I have many spanking toys *clears throat* in a variety of material
kickycan wrote:
I would do anything for you, as you know, but alas, it is as impossible for me to become a cheesehead as it would be for Bill to become a Steelers fan, as I am.
Hmmmmmphhh! You would have to be a Steelers fan!
It just so happens that Ben Roethlisberger is a friend of mine, and is from Findlay, Ohio too. Soooooo I adimately and furiously insist that you become a cheesehead for sure. I won't have you talking to Ben and finding out all my deep dark secrets
kickycan wrote:
I want you so bad. I long for our union. But I can not make love to you until we are married. I promise it will be worth the wait though
Does this mean that you won't come visit me first so I can try out the merchandise? Does this mean that all the planning I have done in preparation for our pre-marital meeting has all been in vain? Does this mean I can't greet you at my door nekkie with a can of whipped creme in one hand and a whip in the other? With Bi Polar Bear serenading us as we make wild passionate love?
kickycan wrote:
(gets down on bended knee and takes Brooke's hand)
So what do you say? Will you marry me, Brooke?
I will have to think about this Kicky. Although my love for you is strong, like the wind. Soft, like the petals of a rose. Neverending, like the sky. I must make sure within my heart that I can marry someone that refuses to sleep with me first.
I will let you know soon, my love