O'Bill thanky me laddie
One click for O'Bill
You'll never know, Duuuuuke...
How much we loooooove you...
Please stay, Grand Duke!
Eva was here with a click!
Please don't take our Grand Duke awaaaaaay
Count me in for a double click.
(Do we think our Brit friend knows You Are My Sunshine? Gee, I hope so.

Originally it was probably a pub song.
Double click from mac11
A double click---one irreverent click from Dys and a reverent click form me, although I always find it extremely difficult to be reverent, but I shall be for the revered Grand Duke.
A Toad-in-Holey Click from me!
What was that song ??
Pls don't go, Pls don't go..
Oh, I'll miss you so..
Pls don't go
How can you leave leaving me alone with a bunch of Americans ??
OK, I'm clicking, <click!!> but could someone please explain what this is all about?
GD has decided to leave A2K olga !
Thanks, Gautam, but WHY? Any idea? I figure there must be a reason.
Dunno - he posted a response on "not enjoying A2K lately to say that he was leaving
Oh, I see! I feel a little like that, myself, these days ... Thanks, G.
Oh no. You can't leave as well !!!

Just feel that A2K is in a bit of a rut, right now, G ...
Ah, I see .... I just read this on the I'm not enjoying A2K ... thread, from GD:
I'm not enjoying A2K as much as I used to, I've never managed to start a successful thread, and have been insulted and mocked just once too often.
Well, no one enjoys being insulted & mocked.
He was one of the most lovable posters here. I am trying to charm him into coming back - but he hasn't responded to my overtures...
Damn, I must be losing my touch (out of practice maybe....)
Chocolates work much better
Grand Duke was a wonderful poster, but I suppose it's his choice whether he stays or goes, and don't think we should emotionally blackmail him into doing something he doesn't want to do.
sO, Consider this a half click
Consider this half a welcome Odd. And this thread is hardly emotional blackmail as you call it..just a chance for someone we care about to see how much we care. Grand Duke is a warm and gentle poster and these are in short supply at times...