Roger, thank you for your reverent left click...hope we don't have hanging chads
and as they say in Chicago:"Gus, vote early...and vote often.
i don't really know the duke that well, but i hate to see any poster leave, so count me clicked
Thanks dj, your click is counted
Oh no! Definitely add my click to the tally!
Lord! Has the culprit been identified?
<Scanning memory for churlish remarks to Grand Duke...>
I think I'm innocent!
Reverent click for GD.
Lash and littlek, Grand Duke's mom thanks you.
Duke don't go. Nothing can stop the Duke of grand
colorbook and Edgar, how nice of you to stop by and leave your best wishes .
Two more in the book...
<clears throat>
<looks around room>
<moves to centre of living room>
You are our grand duke, our only grand duke, you make us haaaaaaappy when skies are grey. you'll never know duke, how much we need youuuuuuuuuu, please don't taaaaaaaaaaake our grand duke away.
<moves to back of group>
Very nice ehbeth, let's move it up a key to Bb shall we? That's a everyone join in
"you are our Grand Duke..."
"... our only grand duke ..."
Did I click already?...I can't remember...I guess I'll click again :wink:
"...You make us haaaappyyy..."
Duke don't go....
Pacco barks as Osso clicks..
I do not know this man, this Grand Duke. But from what I have heard from such upstanding individuals fromt he A2K commiunity I must say that if the big GD does leave I shall the converstations I may have had with such a upstanding citizen of A2K
One click for seed
sorry about your Tigers
Wahoo Wah-Cavaliers
When skies are graaaaaayyyyyyyy....