australia wrote:Yes that is true. Most people on here are either totally to the left or totally to the right. Most people have strong opinions either way. I am flexible and am open to suggestions and compromise.
That's the way most people are ... I guess it makes all the ambiguities in the world easier to take.
If one takes sides, makes certain they are immutable, and refuses to 'walk in someone else's shoes,' while certainly limiting, I can see how appealing that would be to a great many people. Why?
1. They have an immediate support group;
2. That group tells each other how "correct" each member is;
3. That reinforces a prejudiced, us vs. them, seige-type mentality;
4. This provides a deep identity;
All of which apparently provides the security blanket such people need. It helps them to
know who is 'wrong' and who is 'right;' but, it keeps them from having to seriously consider anything that isn't already on the list of 'approved' or 'disapproved' thoughts and behaviors.
Actually, when I posted my topic about user groups in the help forum, what I ultimately had in mind was a new one for freer thinkers. However, I don't see that happening because the drive to be popular seems to be the greatest drive ... and I am not slamming A2K'ers here; this is just one more place where it seems true.
My own views don't fit into one little category and most certainly don't fit in with the old left/right paradigm (let alone liberal/conservative).
Oh, well: we could always form our own User Group.