Kremlin recorded secret video/audiotape of Trump during trips 2 Russia in hopes of collecting compr
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Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Kremlin recorded secret video/audiotape of Trump during trips 2 Russia in hopes of collecting compromising material
Why Vladimir Putin’s Russia Is Backing Donald Trump
By Kurt Eichenwald
On 11/4/16 at 5:50 AM
...................The breadth of the cyberattacks of nongovernmental organizations is astonishing. Russian hackers have obtained emails and other information out of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, but also have struck at organizations with looser ties to the party, including think tanks such as the Brookings Institution, where some of Clinton’s longtime friends and colleagues work.
Once the documents are obtained by hackers and then distributed, a large group of propagandists around the world begin promoting them on social media—in comments sections of websites and other locations online—hoping to generate negative news stories that undermine Democratic officials, particularly Clinton.
The Kremlin’s campaign is motivated not so much to support Trump as it is to hurt the Democratic nominee. During Clinton’s time as secretary of state, Putin publicly accused her of interfering in Moscow’s affairs. For example, her statement that Russian parliamentary elections in December 2011—which involved blatant cheating—were “neither free nor fair” infuriated Putin. He was also encouraged by the relentlessly positive comments about him by Trump, even after the Republican nominee began receiving criticism within his own party for sounding too supportive of the Kremlin, according to information obtained from within Russia by a Western intelligence source.
Both Trump and Clinton were monitored by Russian intelligence during their visits to Moscow over the years, according to American and European intelligence sources, in hopes of gathering kompromat—compromising material about a politician or public figure. The dossier on Clinton mainly contains recordings of conversations and intercepted phone calls; the intelligence source said the dossier has been controlled by Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman. When she was secretary of state, however, Clinton knew her conversations in Moscow might be recorded, so the dossier appears to have been used mainly for intelligence rather than to embarrass her with allies, the source said. The Kremlin also has both video and audio recordings of Trump in a kompromat file. Newsweek could not confirm if there is anything compromising in those recordings.................
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 3h3 hours ago
Prepare to watch my twitter feed be attacked today with accusations against me. Ive taken on Russian propagandists, and they hate that.
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Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Turkish president tells associates he will not allow US access to airbase used in war on ISIS if Trump is president.
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Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Faked documents coming out now attacking Clinton are last stage of Russian disinfo campaign experts predicted in Oct
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Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Feel free to push a hashtag #TrumpsTiesToRussia.
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Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Putin trying to split NATO with hack campaign. Trump told in intel briefings. Putin denies. Trump sides w/ Putin.
0 replies 1,074 retweets 894 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
European intel services, out of sheer horror, are leaking like Ive never experienced to reveal links re: Trump/Putin
0 replies 2,065 retweets 1,751 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Trump campaign spread info from Russian propaganda site while denying info given him in classified intel briefings.
0 replies 991 retweets 865 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Trump campaign been urging reporters 2 chase stories from Russian news site US intel says is Kremlin disinformation.
0 replies 628 retweets 581 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
Kremlin recorded secret video/audiotape of Trump during trips 2 Russia in hopes of collecting compromising material
0 replies 1,375 retweets 1,149 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 4h4 hours ago
As Trump denies intel briefings on Russia hacks, UK gov has "a lot of concern about what’s going on in Trump’s head"
0 replies 541 retweets 599 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 5h5 hours ago
A Trump associate met secretly in August with a pro-Putin member of Russian parliament at a front in Eastern Europe.
0 replies 1,008 retweets 836 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 5h5 hours ago
NATO intel agencies investigating Trump to determine why he keeps denying Russia hacks he has been briefed about.
0 replies 1,019 retweets 894 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 5h5 hours ago
In @Newsweek: When Trump attacked Gold Star family, Russia stopped releasing hacks, fearing he'd be stepping down.
0 replies 1,013 retweets 939 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 5h5 hours ago
In @Newsweek: US allies are terrified that Trump keeps denying Russian hacking, given he has been briefed its true.
0 replies 1,668 retweets 1,473 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 14h14 hours ago
Details of my story for tomorrow about to be revealed in a couple of minutes on @maddow on @msnbc apparently.
0 replies 1,066 retweets 2,566 likes
Kurt Eichenwald @kurteichenwald 14h14 hours ago
Sad moment. A new US citizen from Africa told me US election reminds him of his country, where police go after one candidate be4 election.