I had some cd's with delta waves with music at one point, but no it didn't put me to sleep.
I am unusal among people in that I'm the rare bird that doesn't really care for music. Certainly not when I'm trying to sleep. I wouldn't mind white noise, but music, expecially that which is tuneless, like delta wave music, always had a part of me tensed over what was going to assault my ears next.
Thinking about it, this was while I was still working, and had a spate of not being able to get enough restful sleep, and I felt it was harming me physically over the long haul.
Now I go to sleep and get up when I want, and have no issues sleeping, ever.
Now my usual patter is asleep by 2:30am, up at about 9am, hour nap at some time during the day. Hell, maybe five 10 minute naps if I want. Very peaceful life.