Sun 16 Oct, 2016 06:12 am
Trump Fantasized About Sex With Lindsay Lohan: ‘Deeply Troubled’ Teens Are ‘Always the Best in Bed’
Yup, Trump got that much more inappropriate in an interview on the Howard Stern show.
By David Ferguson / Raw Story
October 14, 2016
In a jaw-dropping 2004 interview with Sirius XM shock jock Howard Stern, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said that actress Lindsay Lohan is clearly “deeply troubled” and therefore “great in bed.”
CNN Money reported Friday on the crude remarks, which Trump made when Lohan was only 18, but becoming known for her wild partying and public displays of intoxication.
“What do you think of Lindsay Lohan?” Trump asked Stern.
“I think she’s hot,” Stern replied.
“There’s something there right?” Trump said. “But you have to like freckles. I’ve seen a, you know, close up of her chest and a lot of freckles. Are you into freckles?”
“I’m not into freckles, but the red hair thing I like. I like her on the cover of Entertainment Weekly,” said Stern.
A bit later, Trump said, “Now does the father wreck, does that bother you a little bit?”
“Oh yeah, because first of all, if the father’s a wreck like the way he is…,” Stern said.
“Right,” Trump agreed.
Stern asked, “Can you imagine the sex with this troubled teen?”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Trump said. “She’s probably deeply troubled and therefore great in bed. How come the deeply troubled women, you know, deeply, deeply troubled, they’re always the best in bed?”
Stern said damaged women are “looking for love, they’re looking for positive affirmation, they’re looking for a father figure who will love them and tell them they’re wonderful and they’ll never be enough. No matter many times you tell them they’re beautiful, no matter how many times you tell them you love them they want to suck it up more. They would drain you like a vampire until your head caved in if they could get more love.”
“Well I have a friend, Howard, who’s actually like a great playboy, I mean, I don’t say this about men, this guy does very well,” Trump said. “He runs silent, runs deep as they say, like a submarine. He will only look for a crazy women. He says, ‘Donald, Donald, please, please, I only want the crazy women.'”
“They’re desperate,” Stern said.
“What is this guy all about,” said Trump. “But for some reason, what I said is true. It’s just unbelievable. You don’t want to be with them for long term, but for the short term there’s nothing like it.”
Listen to audio of the interview, embedded below:
There are plenty of men like that. Despicable men.
How we treat women in this country is horrible and unbelievable.
I have always found the best sex is with a sheep who is deeply troubled in case they fall over the cliff in front of them (and me).
@bobsal u1553115,
I sense that you are deeply troubled.
I sense you smell of socks.