Wed 29 Sep, 2004 06:10 pm
Seismologists believe there's an increased likelihood of a hazardous event at Mount St. Helens due to recent changes in the mountain's seismic activity. That increased activity on Sunday prompted the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Washington to release a "notice of volcanic unrest."
Looks pretty peaceful to me. I think they're holding their breath on Yellowstone and southern Italy, too.
they're predicting a small to moderate eruption - that's good, isn't it?
SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- The flurry of earthquakes at Mount St. Helens intensified further Thursday, and one scientist put the chance of a small eruption happening in the next few days at 70 percent.
the latest from CNN
The local TV stations are going nuts about this, and why not, I guess. The last time the mountain blew, I lived in Eugene and was spared. But Portland, when I went up there shortly thereafter, was covered in ash. They're not expecting as big an eruption this time, but who knows...