Those are some of the comments made by Trump supporters at rallies the Republican nominee for president has made over the past few months, as the New York Times shows in a compilation of various clips they've put together and published today.
The video, clearly, is disturbing, but what's more disturbing is the culture Trump has created, fostered, nurtured, and allowed at his rallies.
That's funny! Trump said our president divided this country. Trump is an ignoramus, ignorant, racial bigot, and a true idiot running for the highest office of the world. That guy with the t-shirt is a good example of a Trump supporter: Doesn't understand America and the US Constitution.
Its only funny because he's going to lose. There are a ton of people out there driven by a fear of assumed danger; from lizard people to FEMA camps and "Regulations". Fortunately there's only a certain 25% or so of voters running on irrational fear. What we should not do is get complacent and not turn out the vote. Congress is where we will win or lose at.