Sat 25 Jan, 2003 09:22 pm
Some French intellectuals anti-Semitic-Jewish leader
Roger Cukierman, head of the CRIF umbrella group of Jewish organisations in France, told Le Figaro in an interview that anti-Americanism and anti-globalisation among French leftists had tipped into anti-Zionism, and was skidding toward anti-Semitism.
''In certain intellectual circles, anti-Semitism has become politically correct,'' Cukierman said, adding this was a new and pernicious form of anti-Jewish sentiment, since it came cloaked in well-meaning humanism.
He said a tough new stance on security by France's centre-right government had led to fewer anti-Semitic acts since it took power last year, although anti-Jewish sentiment was still rife, particularly in schools.
''The climate is still heavy, especially in schools where many incidents have been registered,'' said Cukierman ahead of the Crif's annual dinner on Saturday. ''Anti-Semitic speech is no longer a taboo,'' he said.
A string of attacks on Jewish buildings early last year, sparked fears of rising anti-Semitism in France, home to western Europe's largest Muslim and Jewish communities. Some Jewish leaders linked the attacks with the Palestinian uprising against Israel.
Cukierman said that young Muslims, blamed by some for anti-Jewish sentiment, were ''often, but not exclusively'' at the root of anti-Semitic acts in France, and added that all French citizens were responsible for a ''climate of brutality.''
This article doesn't flesh out what the speaker is complaining about. Does anyone know of instances of anti-Semitic behavior or verbiage among French intellectuals?
Opinions?From Reuters.
if anyone should ever come up with an explanation for the French, they would win the Nobel. (although Albert Camus is my favorite philosopher)
There was a court case that attracted a lot of attention, last year I believe, in which a documentary film maker, who had made a report from & on Palestine for French TV that strongly sympathised with the Palestinians, was taken to court by a Jewish organisation that accused him of anti-semitism. The court ruled in his favour, and from what I read about the case, rightly so. Don't have the name at hand, though, sorry.
What I'm starting to believe more and more, perhaps from reading "The Nation" is that many people believe that ANY criticizm of Israel, or Zionism is "Anti-Semitic".
The headline jumped out at me, but when I read the article, I didn't see any evidence of anti-Semitism. This was interesting to me, hence the thread.
I hear what you are saying in the above post.
I guess the jury on this one is still out. The case cited by nimh is a good example of Jews thinking anti-Semitism, where it is not proven.
Appreciated responses.
NeoGuin....Lash Goth...Others
Any criticism of Israel, or anything pertaining to Jews and/or the Jewish State of Israel, no matter to what on it's very face, "Anti Semitic".
Do not try to justify your position! Ever!
If you dare say any word whatsoever that I do not like, or that I feel is inappropriate and unsettling to my beliefs, I will label you an "Anti Semite'!
And if I say that you ARE a prejudiced "Anti Semite", not worthy of listening are! Period!
This is powerful stuff.
Just stop and consider the potential.
I wear a cloak of protection around me, like armor.
I will say and do as I please and you WILL accept what I say and do, or I will vilify you as a racist....a bigot....and a despicable Anti Semite! And I will shame you!
This is very powerful stuff, indeed.
And nothing you say or do, will change it.
I guess the only thing that will make a difference is if the shame doesn't stick.
It's a powerful term and support for its use isn't always needed for it to have the desired effect.