I have an extra bed for you to sleep in, howzat?
I'll let you know when my plane arrives!
I'm with c.i., but for me it's 63 years. All the good stuff that I remember is from the '50's & 60's. The rest are a blur, as to when things happened!
OK- Before they used computers, how did you get your seat (not book your ticket) on an airplane?
Ummmm.....First come, first served?
Either called the airline on the phone and made our reservation, or went to the airport and bought our ticket. There used to be airline ticket offices, and travel companies also offered to sell airline tickets.

That was my thought too, c.i. (seriously). Either calling the airline directly or using a travel agent.
What did we ever do without the internet?
I said the seat, not the ticket. I remember going up to the gate. A member of the staff had a picture of the inside of the airplane. Each seat was covered with a sticker with the seat number. You picked where you wanted to sit, he peeled off the sticker with the number, and attached it to your folder!
That's interesting, Phoenix. I knew you meant the seat, but I didn't know that's how they were chosen.
Phoenix, Back in the sixties, I did a lot of flying for business, because I was an auditor for Florsheim Shoe Company on the West Coast. I traveled the seven western states, and I do not remember your description of assigning seats on airplanes. The boarding ticket had the seat number. c.i.
Ah Rae, you have gotten this version..I would love to play this one and was thinking about taking a good look at it..now I get to take a really up close and personal look..thanks
c.i.- My memory is fuzzy, but I believe that this was on the now defunct National Airlines.
What seven-term U.S. senator posted his favorite fish chowder recipe on his web page, in 2001?
Uh huh.
What sporting event did Keith Olbermann dub the 'World Series of Wet'?
Yeah, right.
How many cows would it take to generate enough dung to continuously power a 100-watt lightbulb?
Well!!! I guess I don't know as much about the last 20 years as I thought I did. Maybe I'll stick to the original version of Trivial Pusuit.
There are a bunch of questions that aren't quite that difficult.....otherwise we wouldn't have played it for four and a half hours Saturday night!
But, have to admit, we all wore the 'deer in the headlights' look for a good part of the game!
Here's one TP question; "What department store is the largest in the world?" c.i.
largest meaning what?
Harrod's in London is pretty big but I don't know if we'd call it a department store.
Rae, A gold star for you!

The reason I remembered that question was because I said Harrods, and I was wrong. c.i.