Sat 25 Jan, 2003 09:19 pm
I'm sure I'll have more to post when the game is done, but man! I'm in shock about how much I do and don't know about the last twenty years! Sheesh!
Anyone else played this version of TP yet?
Forget about the last twenty years - mine is more like the past 67 years. "Sheesh!" is right.

I haven't played that, Rae, although I'd like to. Give us a sample of some questions. I'm sure C.I. would get them, not so sure about me, but I'd be interested.
We are in a quick intermission (smoke break for me). Gawd these questions are tough!
I'll be back!
What was the title of that book by George Orwell?

Animal Farm; a Fairy Story
Burmese Days
A Clergyman's Daughter
Coming Up for Air
Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Nineteen Eighty-Four, a Novel
Nonfiction Books
Down and Out in Paris and London
Homage to Catalonia
The Road to Wigan Pier
Okay, question #1.
What romance author had time between best-sellers to be spokesperson for the National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse?
chat, We're talking about 20 years ago - or there abouts.

What two characters on t.v.'s 'Newhart' never speak?
Darrel is one, don't know the other
Darrel AND Darrel, chatoyant!
You get a gold star!
Oh that's right, neither of the Darrells spoke. Thanks for the gold star. Maybe I should only get half of one?
It's almost 2 a.m. ~ take the whole gold me!
I trust you Rae, thanks.
[size=7]it's only 11 pm here[/size]
Only 11? Jeezopete! We played that game for about four hours and forced my son to win because of the time!
Come on out here. You could play for three more hours!
I would love to! Got an extra couch for me to sleep on?