Sun 19 Sep, 2004 07:36 pm
as a Christian, believe you already have a spirit that will rise from the dead? Or do you, as a Christian, believe you only become a spirit, in a return to life, at some time or point after death?
Keep in mind that the definition to resurrection means:
1. The act of rising from the dead or returning to life.
Another question:
The kingdom of heaven, is it the kingdom of the Son of man? Yes or no?
Last question:
Do you, as a Christian, believe the spirit of you will be reborn or placed or turned into another body that's of flesh?
Sign Related wrote:as a Christian, believe you already have a spirit that will rise from the dead? Or do you, as a Christian, believe you only become a spirit, in a return to life, at some time or point after death?
Keep in mind that the definition to resurrection means:
1. The act of rising from the dead or returning to life.
Another question:
The kingdom of heaven, is it the kingdom of the Son of man? Yes or no?
Last question:
Do you, as a Christian, believe the spirit of you will be reborn or placed or turned into another body that's of flesh?
Hi Sign, great questions.
In a nutshell, Scripture teaches that we are eternal beings. Where one spends it is either heaven or hell.
The "kingdom of heaven" and the "kingdom of the Son of Man" are heaven. Gods abode.
A Christian will return to his or her body BUT that body will be changed. It is of flesh and bone just as was Christ's but while Christ could be held and touched he could also pass through solid objects as when He appeared to the disciples behind locked doors. Lazarus was raised from the dead but he also returned to the grave with a corruptible body. The new body will not return to the grave.
I respect Tony's belief and he may be correct as we aren't really going to know until we experience it. My personal belief, is that our human bodies are temporal and will return to their basic elements once we no longer need them (dust to dust). I fully expect that when my mortal death occurs, I will step simply from my human existence into a spiritual existence in perhaps another dimension. I think Jesus's teachings and example support that belief.
I think that, as a "Christian", my duty is to live my life within the Spirit of Amity, compassion, and Good Will to my brethren.
They don't always make it easy.
BUT... the "Afterlife" and the hair-splitting are up to the Judge.
If I do my best to do my earthly Christian Duty, I figure I don't have to worry about any "Afterlife".
I'm thinking' that all the fuss over Ritual Sprinklin' (or Dunkin', for the Purists) is a digression.
Live as a Christian, sincerely, and you've filled YOUR end of the Contract.
Re: the Contract... I doubt there's any post-mortem Small Claims Court.
You have to trust the Other Party to fulfill Their end of the bargain.
So it's wise not to fiddle with the Fine Print too much.
Try not to sail too close to the wind, y'know...
(And I'm pretty sure the Big Boss is less generous to those who spent their lives exploiting Loopholes and evading the SPIRIT of The Law.!
"Love One Another."