timber, thanks for all those test sites. Whats your opinion on a firewall (yes or no, mandatory?) for someone on RoadRunner?
My opinion is that if you're going to be "On The 'Net", Security is your own responsibility. Irresponsible folks are responsible for the Internet Slowdown this weekend. Lack of Firewalls, AntiVirus Programs, and Currently Updated Operating systems allowed the SQL Trojan to spread. With a good, current, running firewall and anti-virus, you may experience some of the slowdown effects of such internet attacks, but you likely won't be part of the attack. You may not be the solution, but you won't be the problem.
Using the Internet without adequate security in place endangers not only your machine and its data, but the machines and data of everyone else too.
If you have XP I'd ditch the Zone Alarm bloatware and just use the default XP firewall. It has a smaller footprint and in some quick tests it took 6 more hours to daisy chain through all the computers i our network when running XP's firewall than it did when running Zone Alarm. This test was done without previous knowledge of Zone Alarm exploits and the popularity of these exploits would have made the evaluation of Zone Alarm even worse.
I've got ME, craven.
Did you agree (another thread) that it is the long urls that cause spillover to the far right of my screen?
That is one thing, a long word with no spaces is another possibility and large images round out the options.
hi timber and company: thanks for all your suggestions ! will make sure to get things right! signing off at minus 20 degrees celsius - may be the lines are frozen up! hamburger
hi, timber, larry and all! my dialup was set at "disconnect when connection may not be needed". i disabled this option; we'll see if it does the trick. larry, thanks for your suggestion re. cut and paste. ebeth suggested it earlier to me(on the phone). i'll read up on it in "pcs for dummies" - i think just right for my level of intelligence. thanks again for all your help and interest!!!
Oh my, hamburger's getting net-savvy!
<waves at mr. and mrs. hamburger - dogs are both asleep and breathing deeply>
Anytime, hamburger. You need an avatar (picture under your name). May I suggest (this is a test):
Only took me 248 posts to learn how to do that.
hi, timber, larry and all; just wanted to let you know that for the last 10 days i've not been kicked off the internet. we can even listen to internet radio for a couple of hours - usually on weekends -without disruption; that sure is a great improvement. thanks for all your help!....as far as the avator goes, i haven't decided yet. i do enjoy a really good hamburger(ground sirloin is my preference) - but for my avatar i may want to pick something from
www.hamburg.de .....
Glad to hear it hamburger. Hope this is better -
thanks, larry! since i was born in hamburg i would have to choose the avatar from the webpage for holsten-bier
www.holsten.com/e/national/ . as a former citizen of hamburg ( a HANSEAT - walter hinteler is also one of those SUPERIOR germans that can claim to be a HANSEAT) i can of course NOT choose a bavarian avatar - wouldn't be able to show my face again in THE FREE AND HANSEATIC CITY OF HAMBURG - really just kidding. the bavarians are also part of the german race; so i don't want to be too hard on them. if you've ever been to germany you may have noticed a lot of so called LOCAL PATRIOTISM - and even today it has not completely disappeared.........well, this may some day make for an interesting discussion. so long! HANSEAT
hmmmmmm, interesting choice Larry - i'm not sure mrs. hamburger would approve.
walter has created a rather nice avatar with a pic of the landungsbrucken for hamburger to try out - now for the implementation! :grin:
Sorry again - I knew I probably had the wrong region of Germany, but it was all I could find on short notice! At least I crossed the ocean and got into the right country this time.
hooray Larry!
orrrrrrrrrrrr the infamous Hello, Larry!
the late great McLean Stephenson?