"roo tight" lounds sike thomesing dockodile crundee sight may...
Ni'm ot gery vood that is, an cI plill stay?!
pragmatic wrote:Mathos wrote:pragmatic wrote:hales of bay
*I have just been reading some of the other posts - can't figure them out!*
Oussies an the thooner spread !
Like Ked Nelly, always tausing crouble, fet gucked off dack bown under blue ?
yod sou - haussies oear? pupid stom

Ahem tussies from the sand of lheep bhaggers sack in the bild wush
They cave hontests once a seek to wee who has the diggest bick
Wome seeks the jen moin in.
Franks, Thancis!
Mall ce - "ved"
Ok. I'll stide by your vay, Sed...
Yank thou, mo such. - dev (I mean ved!)
Anybody worked out why "Tuck mags" is a perfect Spooner yet on the "town drain" principle.
mo you dean dome seserve it?
tawh?! Di idn't thet gat!
Something about the difference between going or being sent "down" from Oxford, the home of the great Dr. Spooner? Or about Cambridge being "nowhere?" Sorry, Spendi.......I have to nive up gow. gust mo.
Here's one I got from a article talking about spooner himself:
"I'd rather than a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"
"I believe you are occupewying my pie. May I sow you a another sheat?"
"You may now cuss the bride"
"When the boys come back from the war, we will have the hags flung out."
The point about down-train/town drain is that it is perfect technically and through it Dr Spooner conveys to the rusticated students that as far as he and the college are concerned they are sewage.
Pan the mumps.
This is a gonad joke by spendius.The male gonads are like pumps.Man pumps.And to get rid (pan) of mumps the medical profession has to figuratively man the pumps for the emergency otherwise the man can't pump.GEDDIT?If the panning of the mumps works well the manning of the pumps should do as well.
I'm not explaining any more.If your Spoonerism has no explanation it is no good.I'm sorry-I didn't set the precedent.I am in favour of the tradition which requires effort and discipline and,I'll admit, a bit of luck.During last night's big match I sat on the couch,my El Dorado,with a book of catchphrases on my knees.In two hours I only found one good Spooner and there it is for your amusement (or not as the case may be).
If the English language is heading for world domination,which it is,it will increase the sum total of happiness and joy only insofar as it is preserved intact and lazy undisciplined attacks on it will be resisted by my goodself.This is particularly the case when those attacks emanate from England.We don't want a "bit of fun" we want a lot of fun.It beggars belief that people who have been put through 16-18 years of education at the taxpayer's expense can only provide fake,easy Spoonerisms and,worse still,think that they are worth placing before the eyes of threaders on an ask an expert site.That is sheer arrogance.
Is it so wrong to seek to raise standards.Is not an "ask an expert","Able To Know" site a sort of informal,international university?
Go on! Bash me.Stick up for minimal standards and hope the engineers and supermarkets and doctors don't listen.Go on-I can take it.
And another thing while I'm in theoretical mode-if you get a reward from lazy,easy, undisciplined effort it will spill into the rest of your life on Pavlovian principles and anybody who thinks that is a good thing is heading for the doop dee-dee.