Of course, it's not going to be in the dictionary. Spoonerisms aren't real words nor aren't they recognized lang. They're simply silly and gibberish turns of phrases. Technically they aren't even slang terms as they aren't even commonly used in mainstream conversations.
It's just funny to be goofy with language. One can only hope that you are talking to a like-minded person who can understand this goofy fake language.
1. First someone coins a word to cover a situation or idea that hasn't had a word created for it.
2. His or her peers then adopt it locally. This very regionalized term become local slang.
3. Maybe the term catches fire (picked up by the media or becomes published in a popular book. The word then becomes mainstream slang.
Who knows that in the far future (several centuries) that these spoonerisms might actually be adopted into the official dictionary.