@Finn dAbuzz,
Part of each of those Three radio humorists were thwir voices. The voice over of Jean Shepherds allways chukling narration was medicinal for a kid.
Peter Dzoski was a Candian who motly commented on the world around Canada and his observations I would use in my compositions at school ,Safe in the knowledge that if the nuns didnt have a shortwave rdio, they would have no idea of where those brilliant comments that I ripped off came from.
Allen Prell, was a radio voice from Baltimore and I was doing some work at Princeton and was able to pick up his morning shows. He did a really great "call-in empoium" called HONEST AL's YARD SALE. In that show, people would call in with crap to sell and Prell would goof on them and insult them all different ways. All of the cuff. I got a real good sense of what imrov was all about.
There were others like Joel A SPivak, (son of a big band saxophonist), and (I think) a "Monroe T" Frguson (who did a "fake news show" in the 70's from some town in West Virginia