Sun 24 Jul, 2016 11:13 am
Hello guys! I am a young guy who lives in Norway and now wants to move to England and find a jobb on fish vessel. I am looking for some experience along with different culture, people and language. I am very hard worker and physically good with job i set to do.
My problem is that i dont know where to search for these type of work. Where to find people and search for application. I thought about you guys helping me to find out about this. Is there someone who have any idea?
Sorry for my bad english...
There is probably some sort of employment office in your own home town, right? Then go there and ask them how they would go about such a search.
Thank you @jespah, i will do that:)
In the UK -- Just walk into a fishing-village and ask around.
You can try this
But ask at the Norwegian employment office if this is a serious link. Maybe they even can help you to get a job in UK.