a brazier to cook a hot cat on - no wonder they fight!
Thanks, always had trouble with women's undergarments. Particularly if I had to spell it before removal.
"And to think they used to warn women not to run because their uteruses might fall out."

I'm stayin' away from that dang Boston Marathon!
I love the irony of the article on that link. Next to it there's an ad for "Ultimate Swimsuit 1964 - 2002. Never before seen photos, videos & more". It's sponsered by Nissan.
"Nissan....the new first word in soft-core porn".
Standing on Beacon Street in about 1982 watching the marathon, this ultra-svelte girl ran by, and I thought she had gotten into a mud puddle or something. Then I realized, she had gotten her period in the middle of the race but just kept on running, not about to quit.
I thought it was odd though, because women who train that hard and are in such good shape often don't have regular periods, sometimes not at all.
Completely above and beyond the call of marathon...
Sugar, thanks for that article. There were a number of those stats I didn't know, a lot of them I did. There are many more besides. I have these same thoughts for the past 30 years and keep saying maybe next year, maybe in five years, surely in 10 years - I'm positive in 30 years - nope, hasn't happened yet.
I also got a kick out of the irony of the article and the ad-well, we know that what makes things sell is more important than the message!
I dont think two men kissing does anything one way or the other for me either....it must be the determining factor in the sexes thing..yeah, thats it.
I may sound an old-fashioned, politically incorrect, and even a "male chauvinist pig" , but I believe that fighting, wrestling, boxing, making war, and the like are not for women; therefore, "catfighting" makes me sick.
The plague of testosterone poisoning...
My body is still able to produce enough testosterone without being boosted by disgusting pictures of ladies beating s**t out of each other.
steissd went and threw reality into our party!
i don't want then to beat each other up, just rip off some clothing dammit!
Well, they can do it without any violence...
Steissd, in the US we enjoy a ribald sense of humor combined with a highly developed sense of irony. I'm sure we shock you at times and I'm glad you stay with us anyway. Your opinions add a different perspective which helps us understand how people from other parts of the world think.
Living in Connecticut, I;m fortunate enough to get to watch the UCONN women Huskies play basketball. Their games are so exciting! Their generosity in letting another woman get a shot, their unbeatable competiveness and their pure love of the game make them one of the best things on TV I've ever seen. Hopefully, the sports channels will get a clue and start showcasing these fantastic women.
Well, I have never had objections agaist female basketball, even female soccer. But I would not like ladies to play football, wrestle, be involved in boxing, kung fu, Russian combat sambo (martial art of the Soviet commandos), Japanese sumo and karate, and other violent kinds of sport. Neither I am a supporter of the idea that women should be combat soldiers.
Think of it as a friendly roll around with hardly any clothes on...like mud wrestling...
I think thats more how we look at catfights in general.