Leadfoot wrote:
Quote:How are you going to differenciate between SS printed money and general money?
printing money is a figure of speech in this use.
99+ % of 'money' ends up as bits set in a computer memory, so yes, it will be the same as all money and will end up in the general economy.
Printing more money would just increase inflation, and could lead to hyperinflation.
Simply printing more money results in devalued money. It's not worth as much, or anything. Other countries would not want to loan us money as we would be paying them back with devalued money.
It's not a matter if it's an incentive to work or not, in the big picture it's how how our "let's just print money" will be valued by the world.
Figure of speech? I thought that's what your whole argument was based on, printing money to be distributed only to social security receipients.
Why not just print money to pay off other stuff too? Because of the above.
Why not just print enough money to pay off everything we owe? Why just social security? (she asked facetiously )