again, purposeful "obtusity".
We know that the transistor and binary code werent knowingly developed to make Erwin happy with his equation, but after Bells Theorem, we suddenly realize that DUHHHH, this is a multiple state of being as predicted by Bell and in concert with Erwins mathematics. A computer IS a walkin talkin example of QM --you hadda know that unless you were in laptop case design.
QUBITS is gonna b ewhere its at as weve discovered deeper meanings in QM (for stuff other than complex chemical analysticl mchinery like GCMS's which rely upon themultiplicity of the state of the elements they analyze to actually be PART OF THE SOLUTION(Why dont chem students see this simple ass fact?
Now a qubit will xploit not only the duality concept but the multiplicity of states of matter and states of energy.Just like DNA can make many many states of bases simply on how many chains of GC TA (and the many many ways that it cn express e besides just those six(G with C,, T with A, and each with itself)
Silicon an Silicon dioxide have about 7 states of chemical "being" based merely on lattice and states of covalent electrons/protons in the lattice structure. We have stuff like cristoblite trydimite, quartz etc etc . Then if we dope the quartz with some multi valence state element, we hve almost n infinite batch of "QM beings" all with unique "Qubit values"
I will hqve to ait till they learn how to exploit such states of being but hving two end members + , and - was a good beginning.