Mon 30 Aug, 2004 12:23 pm
I wanted to upload two pictures in the Gallery, but that wasn't possible. Now, I know the problem: they are both too big (maximum is 150 KB, these two were relatively 270 and 300-and-a-little-bit KB). I'm not a real computernerd, so my question: how can I make my pictures smaller? Is that possible?
Yes.. I use Irfan a free picture program. I'm sure others will have their own faves.
i have Microsoft Photo Editor, which comes with Windows XP Pro...
Hmmm, now I get another error:
There was an error while processing a database query
Man, you lost me...better wait for Mongo or another moderator.
I did manage to resize the picture to a smaller size, but when I uploaded it, I got this error.
Yes, wait for a moderator (example
Monger:-) ) or a administrator. I suppose, there is a database error. Perhaps try it later again.
Ha Ha Thok I make you laugh...ha ha
I tried it again, and again, it didn't work
Same error.
panZ: I laugh everywhere, if possible ;-)
Rick, do you habe still the problems?
Thanks for asking Thok. I just tried it, and it's still not working (still the same error). Are there any moderators who know what's wrong?
Works it now?
Usually moderators will be solve a problem within one hour. Also this thread is not yet marked as answered.
I suppose, they are all in their well deserved vacation. ;-)
I guess. I'll try it again in a minutes. Yesterday it didn't work, and something tells me it won't work today either. But I don't blame A2K solely. It could as well be my computer sabotaging things here.
Can't say I know terribly much about images yet (though I plan to try and learn very soon) but here's the tutorial on the subject:
Thanks for the help fortune, although I'm not really sure whether I can apply it to the Gallery.
I just tried it again, and again, the same error. I think it has to do with my computer or something, 'cause at least two others DID manage to post their pictures.
Go to gallery ----> upload pictures ---> choose picture from library ----> type text ---> UPLOAD. Only ... that last thing isn't working. And I don't know why
hot fer damme hurry up and load ...I wanna see your smiling face.