Your comparisons are often quite funny (when Im not the target of your frequent rants).I now see that ,erhaps, your flights away from reason are entirely built upon your defiant ignorance of a subject. Do you understand anything about osmosis or chemical diffusion in solutions on biological tissues? (dead tissues to be exact). If I were to brine a pound of pork in a saturated solution of a pure salt brine and leave it soak overnight, Id be talking about a a sodium loading of about 1100 mg PER POUND.
Thats a saturated solution.
I brine with a combined solution of about 4Tbsp of "sylvite" salt , hard cider, and sugar in a quart of water .(Sylvite is a mix of about 50.50 sodium.potassium salt)
As I calculate, the MAX amount of salt Id have in the meat would approach about 350 mg/pound(If it were a sodium salt mixture entirely) Or about 200 mg Na using sylvite brine.
Since I ate a portion that was less than 1/2 a pound I got loaded up with the death dealing sodium load of about 90mg . Thats an amount thats less than what youd get from a Tbsp of some salad dressing or a meat sauce that youd add atop the cooked meat. We try to support the natural flavor of the meat, not douche it all up with some condiment. When the pork was done on the grill, I used my pepper lemon garnish as the only flavoring, and it was quite delicious and juicy. If youd rather enjoy eating dried up meat fresh from the grille be my guest.( I commented in the past about how the english and irish really have the cookbook written about the myriad ways you can boil the **** out of meats)- not to mention that a rasher of your" bacon" probably could be used as an ice melter (ya certainly cant eat it)
All kidding aside, If you have a concern about your own sodium intake I would check with your doctor (assuming hes familiar with modern dietary restrictions , cardiovascular health and solution chemistry or osmosis).
I even have to watch my K intake because I can get a nasty Hypokalemia which can leave one all stiff and achy. So I adjust my own K intake UPWARD.
If you want to know about salt intakes an brining solution chem, Id be happy to answer reasonable questions. But your snarkiness makes me suspect that youre not seeking knowledge but are looking for opportunities to sound like Jckie Mason or Rowan Atkinson (BB).
ta ta