Thanks for the well wishes! My major is elementary science. It will be my retirement career of course, but what the heck. If I've still got to work I might just as well have fun doing it. Yep. We're gonna make volcanoes and submarines, and play with bugs and sticks, and really cool stuff!
Ok, if I had a choice, I think I'd pick 3rd/4th graders. They're a really delightful age. Full of wonder yet sophisticated enough so no one can pull a fast one on them. Old enough not to pee their pants or cry at the drop of a hat, and young enough to not be too mouthy yet.
I've subbed for K-12 and am heading back into subbing soon. I still have to do the respiratory thing for the money but I think I can still pick up a day or two here and there subbing. Maybe.
I was really burned out for a while and almost quit but my last teacher over the summer got me fired up again. The close it gets, the better I'm liking it again.
Yes, I want to do lesson plans. I want to grade papers and help students with projects. I want to see young souls discover the magic of seeds sprouting, or flowers blooming, or animals migrating. Seeing a student's face light up or exclaim, "Oh, I get it!" when he/she finally catches on to something is an unbelievable high. Those lightbulb moments are worth weeks of toil and trouble.
I've been asked if I'll give up the breathing game and have to say, "I don't know." I've always said I live and breathe respiratory, and I know I'd like to work a shift now and then just to keep my skills up. And as gratifying as it is to have a patient, a family member or other staff member say, "Hey, respiratory, good job!", I still really want the teaching thing. Really.
Aw well...I don't think I've been lead this far for nothing. We'll just have to wait and see where the trail goes.