Learning how to make a girl like you is not that difficult. After all the pranks you've been pulling on the girls your age back in kindergarten, it's only fair that you do your best to make amends.
1) Compliments Pave The Way
Back then, boys would often tease and make fun of the girls they are attracted to. In the grown-up world, compliments will pave the way.
If you want to know how to make a girl like you, you have to shower her with nice and thoughtful comments. Don't be a jar overflowing with praises though, because girls tend to see through these schemes quite quickly.
Well, at least you've come up with one I can pronounce and spell - if only phonetically.
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Tes yeux noirs
Fri 20 May, 2016 03:39 am
Here in Britain, (I daresay elsewhere) we get cold calls from obviously Indian call centres from guys who very often say "Hi! My name's Kevin" who tell you they are from "Windows security department" and have found a virus on your PC. Why so many are told to use Kevin I don't know. I once asked such a caller, repeatedly, if his name really was Kevin. At about the 5th or 6th try he broke down and admitted it was Sanjeev.